A Stitch in Time is a three part documentary series, presented by MayKay, which gives young people across Ireland a chance to tell their stories directly. Their voices represent thousands more in villages, towns, and cities throughout the country. It’s time to rebuild.


Episode 1: Dublin

Episode 2: Waterford

Episode 3: Limerick


For children and young people living in disadvantage, life was already hard.  

The pandemic doubled down and disproportionately affected this cohort of young people as their safe spaces were removed, their access to trusted adults blocked, and their ‘outside’ worlds were taken away. 

Ultimately many young people have become disengaged and are at a danger of slipping through the cracks.

A Stitch in Time sees presenter and musician MayKay ‘go deep’ into the lives and challenges facing young people in disadvantaged communities across Ireland. It gives these young people and the youth workers that work with them the chance to have their voices heard.  

It lifts the lid on the struggles that young people have faced throughout the last 18 months. Left unchecked the effects of these will play out for years to come.

But there is hope. There are solutions. 

We must empower young people and those that support them – their youth services. 

As the country re-opens, it’s time to rebuild young people by giving them back hope, resilience and the resources they need to get life back on track.  

It’s time to rebuild.