Charities Institute Ireland


The Irish Youth Foundation is a registered Irish charity (CHY5957) Registered Charity Number (RCN) 20009878. As a philanthropic funding body, we are entrusted to safe-keep, monitor and ensure that the vital funds donated by visionary and caring people and organisations are well spent and well monitored, and impacts evaluated. We’re committed to maintaining the highest standards of governance to ensure full transparency in how we operate. The Irish Youth Foundation is fully compliant with all relevant Irish charity legislation and regulatory frameworks. We hold the “triple lock” mark of best practice for charities in Ireland, covering the highest standards of good governance financial reporting and ethical fundraising. Governance Our board has formally adopted the “Charities Governance Code” as devised by the CRA. Ethical fundraising Our board has formally adopted the “Guidelines for Charitable Organisations on Fundraising from the Public”. Annual and Financial Reporting Our charity prepares a trustees annual report and financial statements in full compliance with the Charity SORP (Statement of Recommended Practice under FRS102) and makes them easily available to the public on our website. The Board and staff are committed to the following core principles:
  • Belief in the potential of children and young people
  • Promoting partnerships: locally, regionally, nationally and internationally
  • Encouraging donor participation
  • Fostering the promotion of innovation
  • Giving all young people a voice
  • Adopting the highest standards in governance, transparency and accountability
  • Providing practical support and funding where it’s needed the most